About Me

I love to travel, meet interesting people and experience new adventures. Living in a world that surrounds me with vastly changing technology is overwhleming.  I’m currently a 3rd year student at the University of Toronto, majoring in subjects that do not reach (technologically) beyond the Word document program. Over the years my scepticism with technology has built; along with my concern of ending up at Starbucks (by myself) with a laptop sharing my coffee experience with thousands of strangers online and not feeling alone. However, my efforts to avoid becoming in tune with basic computer knowledge (and other “basic” advancements) has now come to bite me in my ass.  I’ve recently come to discover, after months of job searching, every company is looking for high tech savvy people. This has also led to my EXTREME regret to have my friend do every computer test (for job agencies) for me. So now I begin my journey to explore the benefits of new improved ways of living brought on by this tech savvy world.

Where My Frustration with Computers Began

I remember signing up for an introductory computer course in grade 10. I was excited to finally learn the simple controls of Microsoft Office. However I knew I needed to take baby steps first. Turning on the computer would be the first step into the  the great world wide web. The first day of class I selected the computer closest to the teacher, had my notebook, and pencil at hand, ready to learn. “Hello class, My name is Mr. Byrne. Welcome to introduction to computer programming .” What!! I spent the next week in and out of the guidance counsellor’s office begging to transfer me to the INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS class but I was shit out of luck! I went to a non-semester high school which meant 8 long months of learning everything about a computer! The school year turned into a joke. I could only memorized the first code he taught us.

From then on I used the SAME code for EVERY test and assignment for the rest of the year. After that class I wanted as little contact with a computer as possible!

More About Me

This is my dog, he’s an English Springer Spaniel. His name is Spice. I didn’t name him, my mother did. Her explanation: his coat is spice brown. I was 10years old when I got him, which is also why her decision to name him over-trumped my vote against the name. We got him in the 90s when the Spice Girls were a huge sensation. Everyone asked, “which Spice girl is she named after?” He’s a boy!

He’s 14 now and grumpy as hell. Actually he has always been mean. He bites people and rarely listens unless he’s bribed with a worthy treat.

But I love him because he’s my doggie!

I’m a huge fan of Oprah. Her ability to get the world to listen to her is amazing. Whether people agree with her or not isn’t the point – they hear her. I watched her show everyday for 8 years. Yes, I was one of the people who cried through the entire Season Finale. She has taught me so much. Everything from the Kindle (what it is, what it does, how it can benefit my life) to finding nutritionists and trainers who explain how eating whatever you want will make me skinny.

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