Technology has done wonders for science. New discoveries, innovations and improvements in our world have saved lives, educate us and challenge our minds. Hollywood is a great example of new ideas. When it comes to acting, movies, graphics and the list goes on, Hollywood takes creativity to a new level.

The actors also enjoy getting involved with new innovations. They love taking on a new character and identity, which makes so many of them great actors.

Though, some people take the idea of “new” and run a little too wild with it. Unfortunately, “new and improved” doesn’t always work out. Sometimes people and technology don’t work well together.

Reinventing how we read, how we communicate, how we travel are advances that benefit our daily lives. Just as plastic surgery has helped the woman restructure her body after she was hit by a drunk driver; and reconstruct the child who was born with birth defects because their mother was on drugs.

But, those of us who were healthy and have not endured physical traumas should not feel that they need to reinvent their face. Why do women want a third lip? We’re not all suppose to look like Angelina Jolie.

We’re certainly not suppose to look young forever.

When people use technological scientific methods to defy the natural process of time, we all suffer!

The Subtle Transformation

Then we see people who are not as extreme as Dolly Parton.  C.S.I. Miami has become a very popular show. Sexy cast members, bright screen shots and overall, depicting the glamorous side at crime scenes. One of the lead characters, Officer Calleigh Duquesne (Emily Procter) started her career depicting her sweet southern gal roots. Her short appearance on the TV show Friends in 1995 does not show the woman we see today in C.S.I Miami.

Did she really think no one would notice that her face has gradually changed over the past decade? Her original face was obviously beautiful enough to be cast on the Hit TV show Friends so why did she think she needed to plump up everything in her face?

The New Message

Everyone was born with a face and we all have a unique look but in today’s world that’s just not enough. You need to have the face that the doctors are making. The face that can make you look like 10 people in 1. The new moral is not to settle for what you were given, but to aspire to create a better you; a younger you; a sexier you! No one wants that simple look anymore, you’ll just get lost in the crowd.

Who cares if your boobs start to deform because the silicone was not implanted properly, just get more silicon! Who cares if you no longer have facial expressions, just post your feelings on Twitter, after all that’s what it’s there for!

The Future

What do we have to look forward to? Will plastic surgery be mandatory? Will high school or even elementary school children start investing in the new and improved looks? Will we even recognize our friends if we don’t see each other for a few months? Will we design an entirely new form of a face? People spend so much time, money and energy on physically changing how they look I wonder if, someday, my grandchildren will look like this?….

Celebrities Will Lead the Way!